Maintaining the State with MobXStore (MobX)A Store based on MobX is called MobXStore:
Installationdependencies: mobx_triple: any flutter_mobx: any
class Counter extends MobXStore<Exception, int> {
Counter() : super(0);
Future<void> increment() async { setLoading(true);
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
int value = state + 1; if(value < 5) { update(value); } else { setError(Exception('Error: state can\'t be > 4')); } setLoading(false); }}
Our selectors (selectState, selectError, and selectBool) now will be Observable that can be listen separately using .observer() or in the Widget Tree with Observer both from flutter_mobx: => print(store.state));
Widget builder(BuildContext context){ return Observer( builder: (_) => Text(store.state), );}
For more information about the extension read the documentation for flutter_mobx
IMPORTANT: You can also continue to use the Triple (observer, ScopedBuilder and TripleBuilder);